

Horror movies became bland as time passed by. The last 2 frights with good stories I remember (in American films) are The Exorcism of Emily Rose and Paranormal Activity 1. Not until a guy named James Wan entered the scene with his first true horror hit Insidious that creeped the hell out of us by injecting a stereotypical Asian style of creepy without losing the western style of fright.

But James Wan didn’t stop there. He continued with the second installment of the Insidious franchise, and also started The Conjuring that gained positive feedback from critics and viewers alike which started yet another franchise under Wan’s helm.

And then The Conjuring 2 happened to which I thought would be another take on Amityville Horror, but wasn’t the case; although, it would really excite me if Wan gives his artistic ability for the Amityville story.

Anyway, The Conjuring 2 focuses on the Einfield Haunting in the UK about a family who experienced a poltergeist activity in their home that needed the help of paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren who just got their television fame debut after taking on the Amityville case.

They have to face a spirit who hasn’t passed on yet while discovering their own demon in the process.

So, how did The Conjuring do? It was fantastically made. James Wan yet proved again his ability to entwine a good story and a great scare in one film.

It was probably one of the scariest films in cinematic experience.

Wan’s ability to make scenes really creepy before the big fright is what makes him the king of American horror films in this generation.

But then I have to call out that the film for me was quite long plus it drags in the middle part quite a bit: I think it could’ve been edited less than the time that the film ran and it would be just enough.

Also, my partner’s take on the movie was that he didn’t like it because the payoff in the climax wasn’t satisfactory borderline nonsense. And without spoiling you, I think it’s because the story is restricted to the fact that exorcism in reality is really not that lavish as what we all see in most horror movies, especially in this film. That’s why Insidious is more exciting because it has a much creative freedom in terms of the story since it’s highly based on artistry rather than inspired by a true story.

Anyhow, the movie was quite a scare for me not to sleep well for one night or two.



xmen apocalypse jean grey cyclops night crawler movie review philippines 1


How can we defeat a God?


Well, that’s according to the latest X-Men: Last Stand apology — X-MEN: Apocalypse.

It’s the third and last film of the X-MEN: First Class trilogy, that’s after X-MEN: Days of Future Past which both have an OKAY and favorable reception from fans and critics respectively. But do not expect for it to be the last from the eponymous universe.

This time, the X-Men world is threatened by a force which is also believed to be the first mutant who they call Apocalypse. (Plus we also get the chance to see on how Professor X got the hairless style… Yaas).

And even though the ever confusing timeline bothers me a lot and the fact that prior to watching the movie, I saw the 52% approval in I really did have a lot of fun watching it!



Ten years after the events of Days of Future Past (in the 70s), the mutants are now well known to the public with mostly affirmative opinions. Xavier’s School for the Gifted is functional and has already been accepting mutants. Everyone is growing with the world that’s slowly advancing to the modern times; everyone was living in peace.

Yet an apoplectic ancient threat comes back from the long hiatus who plans a worldwide destruction so the powerful (mutants) can only live in a newly refashioned world. And with the help of his newly appointed 4 horsemen, he becomes unstoppable.

So the X-Men must unite with a single goal that’s to save the world from the inevitable Apocalypse.


The Action

So, let me talk first about the good stuff in the film which is thankfully loaded with.

It has good action sequences that are borderline cartoon cheesy but in a good way. It’s close to what action you might find in the comics or in X-Men’s case: in the cartoon TV series that are brilliantly loaded with super powered battles that only in the X-Men world can do. And I think this is the most successful film in the X-Men franchise in terms of it being comic-like-tag-team fights.

The scenes are fast paced and every single shot is vital and interesting enough for me to stick around without grabbing my phone to check a nonexistent text message. Although, I’m quite not sure if the 2 hours 40 minutes runtime was too long or not.

xmen apocalypse jean grey cyclops night crawler movie review philippines 2

The Characters

Anyway, this film also serves as the introduction to the newly revived characters Jean Grey, Cyclops, Nightcrawler and Storm plus many others for the upcoming younger version film of the X-Men.

And they all played their part very well! I can’t wait for the upcoming X-Men Film/s.


Jean Grey

… is everything.

xmen apocalypse jean grey cyclops night crawler movie review philippines 4


But one of the standouts, who also happen to make an iconic outing in the previous film was Peter Maximoff (or X-Men/FOX’s version of Quicksilver).

Remember his most awesome jailbreak sequence? They did it again in Apocalypse! Evan Peters as Qucksilver was perfect. He’s powerful, cool and hilarious: three things on how to be awesome.

There’s really something intelligent with how Singer (the director) is using Quicksilver. But can they make a three-peat on the next film that Quicksilver would be appearing at??? Seem so. I can’t wait!

xmen apocalypse jean grey cyclops night crawler movie review philippines 3

The Villain: Apocalypse

Of course, the villain is the most vital in a super powered team movie. But the way the story handled Apocalypse was more on the failed ascension to power which doesn’t really pose a grave threat to the protagonists even though Apocalypse destroyed Egypt in just one flick. The future sentinels were still the best villains, and were underused in the previous film, but was forgivable because it served the plot. Still, Apocalypse was an OKAY – threatening villain to say the least.



Magneto was the character in the film which I truly loved, but hated on how the latest trilogy handles in trying to bring his character to the good side. It just seems like it’s not really serving the X-Men story very well because he’s more of the likable bad guy than part of the good guys. And even when he was the realest game changer for Apocalypse in his refashioning of the world: his character was so weak in the climax part despite the fact that the build-up in the first hour of the film was so strong and emotional.

It was a true waste…



Another thing that I didn’t like that much was the timeline. As I’ve said, it’s because this film is also an apology for unjustifiably killing off characters plus the bad reception in the film X-Men: Last Stand.

Although, to be honest, I did like X3 — but because of the effort to apologize to ‘real comic book fans’: they have gone to change the further past resulting to a very baffling timeline given that they haven’t planned on a Marvel Cinematic Universe style on the onset — and I think the success of the MCU itself gives FOX pressure to create something similar.

But if you watch Apocalypse without thinking too much of the timeline: it’s still a good film that you’ll truly enjoy.

Also, I have to point out that they will have a difficulty on doing a worldwide scale destruction better than this film because — simply they’ve already done it.



X-Men: Apocalypse was a total entertainment. The story is predictable and unoriginal: but still it lets you stay watching with excitement to the very end.



captain america civil war movie review

– ★★★★☆

This year we’ve been handed with two superhero movies with the same conflict and theme: superhero versus superhero. And I can tell you, only one of them got it right and that’s not Batman V Superman: Yawn of Justice… Or Dawn. Whatever.

Captain America: Civil War is a sequel to The Winter Soldier and Avengers: Age of Ultron at the same time, and the last of the Captain America storyline (trilogy).


After the devastating events of the first and second Avengers, plus two other catastrophes that caught the attention of everyone in the world: the US Government stepped in to create an accord with the UN in registering and controlling these superheroes. Tony Stark/Iron Man agrees to it but reluctant Steve Rogers/Captain America isn’t in favor and has to battle his friends and the government in order to protect his good old friend Bucky/The Winter Soldier who is accused of bombing the UN forum.

Let me talk first to what I liked or LOVED about this film.


The opening action scene wherein the new Avengers went on a mission in Wakanda was absolutely breathtaking. The action scenes were so upbeat and well-choreographed: it was one of the best opening (fight) sequences ever.

captain america civil war airport scene battle team ironman

And I have to talk about the Airport scene to which in the trailers look undersized (compared to the comic book) and uninteresting because only a few superheroes were present and the illusion of the huge airport space was overwhelming. But to my surprise, there was much more to it! Trust me, you will shat your pants to that awesome sequence. You have to focus well on that 15 minute run because a lot of things happened yet didn’t feel overstuffed or, in Batman V Superman’s case, burdened. With watching that action sequence, I just can’t help but pass judgement that IT WAS THE BEST ACTION SEQUENCE EVER in a superhero film that freakish comic book fanboy moments are totally nerdgasmic.

captain america civil war airport scene battle team cap


The film felt like it was really a Captain America’s story even when it was loaded with a dozen characters that not even Sam Raimi’s Spiderman 3 nor The Amazing Spider-Man 2 could do justice.

I love how every character shines on their own, even when most of their storylines were not that much prominent. But the Russo Brothers really gets the niche on how to balance film characterization just like what they did in The Winter Soldier.

Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch’s character was more likable and relatable compared to her first outing in Avengers: Age of Ultron.

Ant-Man’s presence was really refreshing and very entertaining. You just got to watch out for him: you’d love him even better!

And now, we have to talk about Spider-Man and Black Panther.

Marvel's Captain America: Civil War Spider-Man/Peter Parker (Tom Holland) Photo Credit: Film Frame © Marvel 2016

Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War Spider-Man/Peter Parker (Tom Holland)Photo Credit: Film Frame © Marvel 2016


Spider-man was.freaking.awesome! I know it’s too soon to tell if he’s the best on-screen version of Spider-Man but I had my senses tingling all over my body upon seeing him for the first time with the Marvel ensemble. There were swoons in the cinema when Tom Holland was revealed to be Spider-Man. His scenes in the film were so much but not too much: it didn’t overshadow other characters, but he steals the show at the same time… It will keep you wanting for more (and I just can’t wait for next year’s Spider-man: Homecoming).

captain america civil war black panther suit review


Also, the addition of Black Panther was so emotional to say the least. His presence in the film was all about intense emotions that you just love to feel. His fierceness yet panache is so endearing and Beyoncé-like, I just felt like getting in formation! I can’t wait for his standalone film as well and I hope they do it right because he was interesting enough.


Now, the thing that Civil War did not triumph that much is, first, on the story.

The story is still captivating, yet not as gripping as The Winter Soldier. It’s still interesting and heart-pounding yet I can’t help but be desperate for the fear of a characters life to which The Winter Soldier won me at.

And another thing that failed the most in this film is the villain. Well, Marvel is infamous for its uninteresting and unexciting villains (except for Loki and The Winter Soldier), but Baron Zemo, as per Marvel, named him the ‘big bad’ of the film yet it felt like he was the unnecessary sub-plot that didn’t serve any purpose or whatsoever. He is the intersection point of the story, but didn’t feel like his presence was necessary to fulfill that climax. I bet the story could be fulfilled at that “part” with just Cap and Iron Man in it.  I wouldn’t call Baron Zemo the ‘big bad’, instead you decide on whose side are you on and point the other team as the ‘big bad’. Because truthfully, Cap and Iron Man themselves represent the good and the bad side of believing in something.


If I were to rank the Marvel movies: this would be a tie in the second place with Iron Man 3. I can’t decide for now, I have to watch it again (and it’s worth watching the second time around).

The Captain America storyline in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the best ever. It started off as weak, then picks up on the next film as the best Marvel film yet, and Civil War, although fell just a little flat on the plot: it was still entertaining, breathtaking and a well done movie.

The Russo Brothers are the best directors for this film, and Civil War is the perfect story in the current Marvel Cinematic Universe timeline.






I know most of us adults grew up having watched The Jungle Book movie in our younger years: it was one of those films that we just can’t forget. And now, this 2016, it’s revived as a live action film and I have to tell you straight: it has the bare necessities of what an entertaining movie is.

THE JUNGLE BOOK - (Pictured) MOWGLI and BALOO. ©2015 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

THE JUNGLE BOOK – (Pictured) MOWGLI and BALOO. ©2015 Disney Enterprises, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The film is action packed, heart-warming, scary and most of all, charming, just like a true Jon Favreau movie. It’s with a great cast that is 99% voice, yet truly remarkable on how fitting their voices are to the characters. Also, I have to talk about the stunning visual effect that truthfully transported me into another world because of how natural and believable it looks.

Although the film is mostly for kids, adults can’t help but find true to life relationship with the storyline. There’s a nurture-nature psychology weigh in, the socio-political war, the social status realism and many other things that makes this film borderline adult, but not vulgar.

It’s good for parents and kids alike. It’s a perfect family movie.





20th Century Fox


Marvel movies are always fun to watch since they’ve launched their own ‘MARVEL studios’ back to the first Iron Man. They’ve created a new standard to superhero films that’s not only unbeatable but also ‘un-DC-fied’ some fans, including me. I’m not even expecting for Batman v. Superman could topple the universe they’ve created.

And we also have the X-MEN universe from Marvel that is run by FOX studios who have potentially created a different world prior to Marvel Studios. And even up to this day, FOX still is doing well with that universe. They even successfully rebooted the entire franchise with just one sinister plot in X-MEN: Days of Future Past without changing characters or the storyline.

But one of the complaints fans have is the restrictions with MARVEL Studios which is tied up with Disney, and FOX’s X-MEN franchise that somehow doesn’t go beyond PG-13 rating. This leads to some disappointments or a ‘so-so’ feeling when you come out from the cinemas.

However we eliminate MARVEL’S: Daredevil on NETFLIX because it isn’t technically a film.

Until FOX finally decided for a Deadpool movie to get a green light.



Deadpool is one of those beloved Marvel characters because of his undying wit, action, coolness and comedy; with no holds barred. He is one of the characters fans have wanted to have a big screen action all on his own.

Although technically, the Deadpool character was part of first Wolverine standalone film which caused an outrage to fans due to the wrongly done characterization.  It was played by, Ryan Reynolds who did an OKAY job. But who knew he could play the role all over again with a different take on the story?

And this time, he nailed it… and so much more.

Deadpool movie is one hilarious ride of a film. The comedy is like Arnold Schwarzenegger’s machine gun in Terminator 2: Judgement Day: it was fast and all over the place in a good sense. It was so fast you even can’t catch up on some of the other jokes because you’re still getting a hang on his last joke.

The action scenes are quick and cool, and the other supporting characters did a very good job as an addition to the film. Even though there were plenty of characters: the director somehow created a balance in using them. They didn’t overshadow Deadpool nor did they become a useless piece.

20th Century Fox/Empire Magazine

And to top it all off, it’s not a kids movie. While the other superhero films try to be discreet with the language, sex, death, horror and brutality: Deadpool is NOT one of them. The hilarious moments even mostly come from the scenes which are inappropriate and repulsive especially for my mother… yup, not for your conservative moms either. I mean, he’s not labeled as ‘Merc with a mouth’ for nothing.



But to be honest, there’s nothing really original or nothing to look forward to when it comes to the story. It’s because there’s really no David Fincher’s surprise twist or Christopher Nolan’s dramatic moral play. No. It’s a pretty straightforward movie, but very well done. In addition, I feel like people who are not a fan of superhero films can’t relate to most of the punchlines. It’s because most of the jokes are tirades to the Marvel universe, Hollywood and the film industry itself and most especially to the X-MEN world.

But there are still some few good laughs that reference the pop culture.



In the end, all you really want from this film is a great laugh. And that’s what the Deadpool movie offered to us.




Photo by Cinema One Originals



Here we are again with hyped Filipino movies that give us false expectation about relationship and love: about a broken hearted girl and a desperate slash also broken hearted guy that accidentally meet and unsurprisingly ended up together. Yup, I’m talking about the movie That Thing Called Tadhana.

Besides the very cheesy title, the movie is all about how to get over someone who broke your heart thru WOWs (Words of Wisdoms) and by looking for someone else as a ‘panakip butas’.

We are lured to the practically-impractical and obvious reasons about the Why’s and the How’s about an ended relationship that we people (admit it or not) most of the times dodge the reality because we are too ‘tanga’, ‘bobo’ and all the cliché pitiful descriptions you can have for your crying, broken hearted self.

People are so into the ‘hugot’ lines that they neglect some facts:

1.) You don’t bump into someone after you’ve been dumped accidentally.

2.) BUT If you ‘accidentally’ bumped into someone after you’ve been dumped, and goes with you wherever you want to go, especially and MOST ESPECIALLY when you’re a pretty girl with a voluptuous body… Guuurl, he’a either a rapist or a serial killer.

3.) No one in their right mind who would go with someone they barely know who is purposefully too silent, looks at you creepily and shows you his tattoos.

4.) A stranger freaks out when you make scandalous acts in public. Strangely, Anthony (JM de Guzman) didn’t because fuck Philippine cinema logic.

5.) If you’re with a guy after you’ve been dumped; two days is too long not to bang each other.

6.) With No. 5 being said, you get drunk and ‘forgets’ what you did last night because you were drinking faux Red Horse and singing a Whitney Houston hit wrongly PLUS you’re with a guy you just met; you don’t go to Baguio… SOGO motel is enough.

7.) Adding to no.’s 5 and 6, Mace (Angelica Panganiban) passed out from being drunk… Why did people expect for Anthony to still take her to Baguio? In real life, girls always end up in an empty lot… Naked… And/Or dead.

8.) That game where everytime she mentions her ex, she would give P100.00… with that kind of personality Mace (Angelica Panganiban) has; she would give a million.

9.) You won’t have any stranger-crying-shoulder because they’ll freak out.


Photo by Cinema One Originals

Those trending hashtag hugot lines, (I prefer #WhoGoat) that seemingly nonsensical to those who are not emotional or those who are not in love or those who are too chaka to experience being in a relationship; have been all over my Facebook, Twitter and even in Instagram timelines.

Although this movie seems ridiculous, to say the least, but reality is we just needed someone to share our problems with. We fantasize that there’s someone else to help us up when we’re down and broken and probably fall in love with them… The question popping in my mind on why it’s famous and highly acclaimed it’s because it’s a slap/wake up call (kuno) to people who don’t want to face the reality; who lives a life where they just ignore the truth, living with a lie and relive ONLY the happy moments. That’s why people can ‘relate’ because it’s the first time in Philippine cinematic history that words are real and an eye opener that’s far away from the typical Filipino Jolina-Marvin movies, even to be honest, people already know the truth, but they just play-blind ‘cuz that’s Filipinos: romanticizing foolishness. And that’s where this movie feeds Filipino emotions.

I believe that this movie are for those broken hearted people, those who are left by someone they love, or for those people who just wants to ride with the trend.

Because to be completely honest, those people I know who like this movie are those highly emotional at the moment (or have been completely emotional for many months or years because they haven’t gotten over someone… Hi Jumegs!).

The movie is not practically good because there’s nothing unique, intense or good story to it. Though it was funny at times, real and Sagada scene was heavenly, I have to say: if I’ve seen this film way back when I haven’t found my someone special today or if this someone special would break my heart in the future (hope not): I would love this entire film.




I’ve always liked suspense movies ever since I was a kid. I liked the feeling of being tortured emotionally by a scene on screen, like someone chasing the antagonist and it made me feel like jumping on my seats rooting for that person to survive the murderer; like in Amityville Horror (the latest with Ryan Reynolds in it) or Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

But as I grew up and watched more and more movies, (especially American movies), the thrill just got bland and it’s most likely faded because as time passes by, you get to know a movie and even worse predict what’s going to happen or even worse, the direction or the execution of the movie is not like in the past.

There are still some films out there (especially American movies… again) that still have this type of thrill that I wanted, but only a few left. One of it was when I watched the movie The Call.

OVERVIEW (Without spoilers)

The movie is about a 911 agent Jordan played by Halle Berry, who seems to be just a normal person trying to take in calls and trying to save someone’s life… you know, just normal (pun intended).

Anyway, she got a call, one day that changed her life.

She braces herself as she tries to rescue this certain person from a murderer that ended in failure. She lived her life in guilt, pain and regret for the next years until one day, history repeated itself with the same murderer.

She has to redeem herself by helping another victim, and a cat and mouse chase with exciting twist and turn happens.


First of all, by this movie, I realized how DIFFICULT mentally, emotionally, spiritually and everything is to become a 911 agent. The mere fact that you take in threatened calls in a normal day would be so intense that I don’t think my mind and body can handle. It’s very tough especially when you didn’t give the help of the person on the other line who’s asking for it.

Sometimes, we just hear funny prank calls on YouTube about stupid people calling 911 services, but little did we know how serious it is to have that kind of job.

I have worked in a Call Centre and I don’t think customer service with irate customers (because they want services to work for them), would compare working in a 911 customer service. And this emotion of hardship was shown in the movie, that’s why it’s good.

Second, a talked about the thrill in movies that are only present in few American films nowadays and I love that The Call gave me the excitement that I needed to see.

And lastly, the story is unique. I don’t know if there are other movies out there having the same storyline as this, but The Call is such a unique perspective of a 911 officer with an interesting story of vengeance.

Overall, The Call is thrilling in a sense of need for redemption and uniqueness of storyline in this world whose filmmaking is starting to become rip-offs of other film.








Ever since the dawn of The Hunger Games book series and its rise to fame, I was always a fan but not of the third book which is Mockingjay. Why? To be honest there are a lot of  wrong things happened in the book. The first two were beyond awesome, and we have Mockingjay, about the final part of the rebellion of the districts versus the Capitol, specifically between Katniss and President Snow, but it seems to feel like rushed and unfinished.

Of course in Mockingjay, there are no more games happened because everything stopped when Katniss showed true rebel in Catching Fire.

I have doubts about Mockingjay becoming a hit in movie theaters compared to the first two films which have solid storyline and heart pounding events. And I have more doubt when they decided to split Mockingjay into two films.

Nevertheless, I’m always a fan of the book series so I put my faith in the directors and screenwriters to amp it up into a cinematic experience, and guess what, Mockingjay Part 1 was good!


Mockingjay is the continuation of where we left off in Catching Fire a year ago. It’s where Katniss woke up and found out that there’s District 13 being an underground society, Peeta and the rest of the victors captured by the Capitol and of course, the start of the uprising.

District 13, which is spearheaded by President Coin which is played by (who I call) The Possessed Julianne Moore (in a good way) and Plutarch which is played by the late Philip Seymour Hoffman, and the rest of the team who helped Katniss survive in the game in order for them to create a propaganda in enticing the people of Panem to rise against the tyranny of those in the Capitol.

They’ll be convincing Katniss to do so and also in order to regain power all over Panem.


To be honest, I was expecting additional scenes in the movie due to the lack of intensity in the film. I mean, it needed to happen because the source material only focuses on Katniss’ stupidity in choosing to be the Mockingjay or not.

The film focuses on the propaganda created by District 13 using Katniss for the uprising.

I love the fact that this whole movie is about backstage propaganda and how showbiz it all is even you are in the midst of a war. There will still be the ‘lights, camera, action’, make up, costume and script behind it and also it shows how empowering this is for an entire community or whole country perhaps. Let’s face it; we all love a good advertisement.

Also, the additional scenes that are not in the book are really intense and captivating that it will give you goose-bumps. Although for some times I was kind of bored a bit, but just a few, no worries.

There’s one scene where Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) sings and how it grew into a song of rebellion. It was just perfectly well done!


Overall, the movie is about the emotional turmoil of someone in the war, and how a community of rebels acts to it, as well as how it will lead to a huge war against the Capitol.

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay is a rebellious propaganda fashioned with behind-the-scenes showbiz and deliberately intense and emotional rollercoaster ride towards an inevitable war.






It’s been a year since one of the most successful animated movies of all time, Frozen, which not just created a huge fanbase all around the world, but also invaded the music scene, but to sum it all up; it devours pop culture. And now Disney-Pixar is spending some dime for another action packed animated movie which is Big Hero 6.



Big Hero 6 is a story of a kid named Hiro who dreams to become one of the best robotics engineers. Together with his brother, Tadashi, who introduces him to his lab in the university, as well as with his circle of ‘nerd’ friends. Hiro’s brother not only just inspires him but also helps him with his dreams in enrolling in the university.

Hiro created a super intelligent microbots that can act upon telepathy that wowed audiences gaining him entrance to the university but this did not end well due to the demise of his brother after trying to rescue the professor in a burning building.

Hiro then became depressed and only to find out that the healthcare robot named Baymax is in their room. Series of funny events happened as well as finding out a villain in their midst using his microbot technology.

He then realized that he needed to take back the microbot with the help of his friends that have technological stuff to battle out the villain, only to discover many things that will push Hiro to the bad side as well as realizing so many things about Baymax and his brother.



After the success of Frozen, to be honest, this kind of fall short. If we see this film as it is, it’s also the type of film that’s quite funny, somehow genius and very cute.

The film starts of really cool with all the technological and robotic stuffs happening, I could imagine that it would surely captivate eight to ten year old boys. Then the story continues with the cuteness of Baymax that I find really funny. But the fun cuts off somehow in between the film for a more serious note. The ingenuity of the main character to create cool costumes and weapons made the film really sophisticated in a childish way.

Now what I also loved about this film is it is accidentally educational. Baymax is a healthcare partner designed to help those in medical need and people of all ages will really learn a lot from it and I was really impressed by that.



To be honest, this film is mediocre compared to all Disney-Pixar films. It fell short even when it’s been advertised as ‘from the creators of Frozen and Wreck-It-Ralph’ which are both successful films, Big Hero 6 is a cute adventure film, sometimes funny but not that compelling to penetrate pop culture. This is a type of film that is just a passerby, and Disney could’ve done better.

To sum it all up, this film is strictly for kids to totally enjoy but not for adults. And to think, the creators made the films Frozen and Wreck-It-Ralph a film for all ages.



warner bros.


– ★★★☆☆

After the huge success of The Dark Knight trilogy, I think it’s about time for Christopher Nolan to be back in creating spectacular movies with interesting, almost true-to-life stories that will surely captivate movie goers.

And of course, like any other movies Nolan directed like Inception, which almost blew my mind deciphering stuffs but in a good way, and The Prestige which is simply my favorite movie of all time and many others that have themes of scientific theories with it and then added some spicy storylines that are bombastic not just in the blockbuster but also in award giving bodies; Interstellar is one hell of a ride.


Interstellar is a space travel adventure, sci-fi, action-thriller and a mind boggle that focuses on the theory of wormholes, black holes and a lot of intergalactic stuff added with some captivating story and fascinating visual effects that will get your brains working.

The story focuses on Cooper which is played by Academy Award Winner, Matthew McConaughey; a former test pilot engineer, who has a family struggling in their everyday life from living here on Earth that will soon to die.

Yes, folks, it’s a dystopian kind of film.

Anyhow, Cooper soon discovers a code from her daughter’s room filled with ‘ghosts’ which they then discovered that it was a coordinate to an underground NASA. Then the story goes with more drama and complications in it, as Cooper travels space looking for another Earth for humans to habituate, together with Amelia Brand (Anne Hathaway), Romilly (David Gyasi) and Doyle (Wes Bently).

They pass through series of inconvenient, scientific problems that, to tell you honestly, if you don’t listen carefully, you’d miss one single bit of a good plot.

Then until it reaches to a point where betrayal, survival, and sacrifice have to be done in order for the movie to end very, very well.


The good points about watching a Christopher Nolan movie is that first, by the end of the film there’s a feeling that you are intelligent (*wink), because of the fact that Interstellar (and other Nolan films) are strictly hard to decipher especially when revelations are mostly verbalized rather than, in most movies the flashbacks are necessary. It’s either a character nonchalantly utters the revelation and/or if flashbacks are necessary; it’s given as a glimpse (e.g. in The Dark Knight Rises which Talia al’Gul reveals she’s the child in the pit). It’s crazy to think that only Nolan would risk a hugely budgeted film for a climax or dénouement to be hardly explained, but that’s what makes it more interesting.

Second good thing is that the storytelling is again a Christopher Nolan mark and it’s very amusing because we all know that a Nolan movie (except for The Dark Knight Trilogy) comprises not just with interesting storylines with no basis at all; of course, it’s not a Nolan movie without any scientific theories attached to it. And that what makes Interstellar effective and awesome… I mean literally your mouth drops.

Third good thing is there are twists of course, and it’s all in the twist where a Nolan movie becomes great. But this time, the twist which I expected to happen is quite predictable even in the onset of scene where you would know that it would become part of the big reveal at the end. And with that comes questions that if I already predicted what the twist is, how would they be able to execute the revelation then? Will it be good? For me, I think Christopher Nolan knows that the twist is already predictable and I am happy to say that the sequence to the revelation of the movie is a bravo.

Finally are the sub plots which are crispy and exciting.


It’s hard not to compare to Nolan’s other works like Inception and The Prestige, because I myself became a fan of his.

To be honest, if we compare Interstellar from the mentioned films; it’s a bit off. Standalone, Interstellar is a good film; cringe-worthy, exciting, thought-provoking and deliberate, but if there’s a point of comparison in those three films, well, it’s a shame but Interstellar may be the least good of three, and The Dark Knight isn’t part of it yet.


All I can say is that you have to focus and lend not just your ears but all your attention to the film because once you miss a part you will have confusion in the next few scenes.

But I have to say that Interstellar is a captivating space adventure, probably the best one, depicting a scientific intergalactic possibility plus cringe-worthy plot and a good twist that will be hard to beat when it comes to an intergalactic sci-fi genre.
